Sunday, November 13, 2011

Running While Pregnant

I signed myself up for a 10k Turkey Trot to help motivate me to continue to work out while pregnant. The run is two weeks away and I have run/walked probably four times since signing up a month ago.

What was I thinking committing myself to run six plus miles at six and a half months pregnant?

Even though I feel a bit crazy, my run tonight felt really great. I use the term "run" loosely. I am talking more jog/walk routine than actual running. It was nice to get some endorphins flowing and see some impressed looks from my fellow gym goers as I picked up my speed on the treadmill.

It is difficult, however, to go against my competitive nature and slow my pace in order to keep my heart rate low enough so my tiny running partner has enough blood flowing to him to do crazy things like grow lungs and a pancreas!

Most that know me well, know I race other runners who are completely unaware that we are racing. Whether I am on a treadmill or a trail, if there is someone else in the vicinity I am in competition mode! If you are running at 6.5, I am going to bump my pace to a 6.6! If I am about to start my cool down and someone comes over the hill I will continue to run until we pass one another. It's a sickness really, especially since I am not a good runner or a fast runner!

I have my weigh in tomorrow for my monthly check up with my OB. I dread it each month. I am hopeful that somehow I only gained a pound or two in the month...but inevitably it is always much much more. With all three of my babies, I have carried them high and big. I am currently venturing out of the cute pregnant belly phase into the just BIG pregnant belly phase. I am anticipating comments such as, "Wow, due any day now," beginning soon. And the annoyed awkward reply of, "Actually, I still have months to go!"

PPBE is what I am diagnosing myself with. Petite Pregnant Belly Envy. I have a girlfriend that is six weeks ahead of me with her second baby and she is blessed with PPB! Since this is my third baby, experience has prepared me for my belly getting big. Not just regular pregnant big, but "OH MY GOSH, I think you will actually pop," big!

For the other moms out there, remember when you were about five months along with your first child and thought, "How can I possibly get any bigger." And then you doubled in size after that point?
Here is my most recent photo of my pregnant belly! Do you notice that I am in black? With a jacket and a scarf on? Standing in the shadows? All intentional efforts to disguise the size of my growing belly.

Even though I suffer from PPBE, I can't complain too loudly. All my pregnancies have been pretty easy and drama free. No complications or worries other than my vanity and a bigger than average belly with some leg cramps now and then. I have had it pretty great!

So, here is to hoping that running continues to feel fun for the next few weeks until the big 10k turkey trot.

Here is to hoping that it will offset some of the indulgences I partake in (like Costco pumpkin pies and Chick-fil-a's spicy chicken sandwich).

Here is to hoping that I will deliver a nine pounder this time around. Since both girls came out at 8lbs 10oz....I am thinking this boy needs to tip the scales and show his sisters up a bit! Plus, the bigger he is, the less weight I will have to lose after, right?!


  1. You are insane. So impressed you are running!

    And.... You are stinking gorgeous. You look amazing! I was a gigantic-belly prego with all 3 kids- I wished I looked as awesome as you. Rock that belly, girl!

  2. Oh Kelli!
    I don't know where to start!? You are very inspiring! My first 5kentrance that was amazing was after my two kids at age 30, and look at you! You saw me pregnant with Maddox my first, not in the least bit as cute as you! I suffer from your condition, well did suffer, and you are in the category not the one that should be suffering as far as I am concerned. You look amazingly and perfectly gorgeous. I am so proud to have known you before motherhood and will make it a point to get to know you better as a mother! I can't believe your doubting yourself, you are so beautiful and have become more beautiful as a mother and continue to become more beautiful! I love you and think you are so wonderful and amazingly great! You look awesome even though you don't feel like you do. Been there done that. And as the kids get older and your done having your ridiculously gorgeous kids you will laugh at how silly you feel ;) I love you!

  3. My gorgeous friend!!! I have no excuse when I look at you as to why I do not run or exercise at are so inspiring, it makes me tired!

  4. Oh friend, you have so much that makes you lovely. You have a shining light that consumes you from the inside out. You are a great mom who knows how to laugh and have fun. You have exceptional style no matter what your body looks like. You are selfless and funny and confident and healthy and have big eyes and long lashes and skinny little legs and you have so much Jesus in you. you are so beautiful to me! Especially when you work hard to do the uncomfortable thing of running while pregnant. Oh, and now to tear you down after I built you up: there was a mom who was 6 months pregnant running the marathon...

  5. Thanks for the great encouragement everyone! Part of the fun of Pregnancy!

    Shara- Thanks so much! Perhaps you and I need a day of pregnant photo swapping. :)

    Aubrie - I wish you lived closer! It has been so long since we have had a chance to catch up!

    Katie - My teeny tiny are my inspiration in almost everything! I love that you are the size of my thigh without running. You'd fit in my pocket if you started exercising too!

    Lindsey - Way to bring in the I will have to sign up for a marathon at 9 months pregnant and deliver right after like the gal last month! You will have to be my coach!
